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Under the Mermaid Angel【電子書籍】[ Martha Moore ]





Thirteen-year-old Jesse leads a pretty boring??life in just about the most boring place in the??universe -- otherwise known as Ida, Texas. She cannot??forget the death of her baby brother seven years ago,??and how she just couldn't pray for him when he was??sick. She never talks about it though, not even to??her best friend, which is something she doesn't??have, anyway. But all that changes when Roxanne??moves into the trailer next door. Thirty years old,??with her fake fur coat, wild red hair, and romantic??notions, Roxanne is a revelation to Jesse. Why has??she moved to Ida, of all places? Their growing??friendship will change Jesse's life, giving her back??a vision of hope beyond the mundane world around??her.<br><br><br><i>From the Hardcover edition.</i>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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  • 商品価格:1,244円
  • レビュー件数:0件
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