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◆タイトル: Jo'burg Jump◆アーティスト: Ernest Dawkins & New Horizon Ensemble◆発売日: 2000/11/14◆レーベル: DelmarkErnest Dawkins & New Horizon Ensemble - Jo'burg Jump CD アルバム 【輸入盤】1.1 Stranger 1.2 Jo'burg Jump 1.3 The Gist of It 1.4 Shorter Suite 1.5 Goldinger 1.6 Turtle Island Dance 1.7 TranscensionEven though Dawkins is the chairman of the AACM & uses avant garde to describe his music, his ensemble always remains accessible yet vital; it's a surprise that this is their first U.S. release, as they have been together for more than a decade & are regarded as one of Chicago's finest - the album is titled after the enthusiastic response from the audience in Johannesburg, South Africa & Mozambique.